On January 19 Disney+ presents the iconic original six-part series, ‘Cristóbal Balenciaga’ inviting viewers into the life and career of the renowned Spanish couturier. Produced by Xavier Berzosa through Moriarti Produkzioak and Irusoin production companies, the series is set against the backdrop of the fashion world, showcasing Balenciaga's journey and his impact on the industry. The show develops during the formative period of his career when Balenciaga moved to Paris in the wake of the Spanish Civil War and began his exploration with radical, sculptural silhouettes.
Developed by Lourdes Iglesias and directed by Aitor Arregi, Jon Garaño, and Jose Mari Goenaga, all 13 times recipients of the prestigious Goya Award for their work on "A Secret Life," the series features Alberto San Juan portraying the enigmatic Cristóbal Balenciaga. The narrative unfolds as Balenciaga, with extraordinary talent, challenges the norms of his time and revolutionizes the fashion world.
The storyline commences with Balenciaga's debut Parisian Haute Couture collection in 1937, marking a departure from his successful career in Madrid and San Sebastian, where he catered to the Spanish elite. Despite his success in Spain, Balenciaga faces challenges in Paris, a city dominated by fashion icons such as Chanel, Dior, and Givenchy. Fueled by an obsessive need for control, Balenciaga defines his unique style and ascends to become one of the greatest fashion designers.
The cast includes an international ensemble, with actors like Belén Cuesta, Josean Bengoetxea, Cecilia Solaguren, Adam Quintero, Thomas Coumans, Gemma Whelan, Anouk Grinberg, Gabrielle Lazure, Patrice Thibaud, Nine d'Urso, and Anne-Victoire Olivier bringing back the prominent figures from the 20th century.
‘Cristóbal Balenciaga’ premiers inviting all the fashion enthusiasts and professionals to spectate and learn about the iconic Balenciaga and his journey navigating the fashion world.